Tackling Garage Clutter

It's getting warmer and our garages are begging for a little love!

A garage is a space to house your vehicles, bikes, tools, bulky seasonal decor, and gardening/lawn maintenance items. And a lot of the time, it becomes a dumping ground for outgrown kids stuff, old paint and random gems family members have off-loaded to us.

Where should you start? Remove the broken, unnecessary, and old items. If it's old or a product you no longer have use for, let it go. It's a great time to post on your neighborhood groups to see if anyone else can find a use for it.

Once the excess is out, look to use the vertical space in your garage. Getting items up off the floor will help keep your garage tidy. We just installed Rubbermaid fast track in our garage; it took a only few minutes to install and made a huge impact immediately.

Adding shelves, hooks, and racks provides a home for everything and helps clear your floors. Now you can actually see what you have and use it. If you are going for a fully polished garage, add epoxy floors and Closetworks cabinets to create an extended mudroom.

There are so many possibilities and make sure you remember that your garage is valuable real estate that can work for you instead of being a dumping ground.

We love transforming garages, so if you need a few extra hands we are ready to tackle your space!


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