Keys to Being an Organized Person

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn

Once we’ve acknowledged that change needs to occur, we must have the courage to implement. I help my clients address their daily routines and work towards creating healthier habits that lead to more fulfilled lives. Removing the excess is step one, but developing the proper skill set needed to maintain a space is critical. I want my clients to benefit from a space that empowers and energizes them, not adds to their anxiety.

! SPOILER ALERT ! Organization is not only about pretty bins and labeling everything.

Editing the excess is by far the most important step and it will be repeated constantly. 

Even if your items are “organized,” if you’re not using them – they’re considered clutter. 

Take inventory before you make any new purchases. It’s easier to get clear on what’s needed once you’ve familiarized yourself with your belongings. Most people get in the habit of storing things with good intentions only to forget about them down the road.

Pay particular attention to pantries, refrigerators and freezers. Food is a necessity, but it can be a source of clutter as well. Make sure you’re eating through food stock every 4-6 months and don’t forget to look at expiration dates! 

Closets are another area to constantly address. It’s tempting to buy a new outfit for every occasion, but get creative! Shop your closet first and work towards quality staples you feel good in that can be restyled over and over to achieve new looks.

Start a routine *quick* full home walk-through every month. Trust me, clutter accumulates faster than you think! This does not mean you’re re-organizing every month. The goal is to simply address anything new that has entered your home. 

As you gain more confidence in the process, organize with what you have first. It’s unnecessary and expensive to purchase matching containers when you’re still getting used to a new, simplified way of life. We’re going for lasting change – not just overnight “before + afters”. You’d be surprised at how many things you already own that could do the trick initially. Once you continue the edit and determine what’s truly essential, you can work on the overall aesthetic and organization needed in each space. 

Quick Tips

  1. It’s our sustained, daily efforts that lead to continued success and lasting change. 

  2. Take inventory of what you currently own to avoid more clutter to manage.

  3. As you adjust to the process, start by organizing with what you have first.


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