De-Cluttering Your Calendar

Yes, overbooking yourself is creating life clutter.

I look at clutter in a holistic way ensuring my days are light and clutter-free. When planning out me week I make time for self-care, family and time to connect with clients to reach their goals.

What’s your week look like? Does it reflect your ideal life? Somewhere along the line our schedule no longer is in our control.

We have bosses, friends and over commitments that take precedence, leaving us without space to breath or just be. I find it a bit funny because it’s our time yet we allow others to take control.  We are all guilty of it.

Take a moment and visualize your best work day.

Write out what this day looks like.  Ask yourself what time do you start?   And then what would you accomplish? Did you take a walk at your lunch break? Did you make time to connect with a co-worker outside of the daily minutia?

Now — how can you build in small habits to cultivate this ideal day? I find the key is saying “no” and having boundaries. Just because your co-worker needs you right now doesn’t mean it’s your problem. You were hired to do X,Y,Z and don’t let someone steal your time to better suit their day. This one is hard, so understand that not every day will look the same.

Quick Tips:

1. Dream up your ideal day

2. Find ways to build in boundaries to maintain your “dream day”

3. Make small daily goals to cultivate change and balance

[Photo via Fox Hollow Studios Calendar]


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